Tips to Balance Running a Business and Family Life

Tips to Balance Running a Business and Family Life

As an entrepreneur, it’s tempting to let your business take over your life. But you also want to take time for yourself and your family. How can you achieve that balance without letting one priority or the other slip to the wayside? If you’re finding yourself torn between the two, don’t be discouraged. We’ve got a few simple tips that can help you begin to find the right balance for your life.

Create a Routine

Many of us have a routine of some type or another, but we also often don’t realize how important these routines are. Both in your business and in your family life, circumstances and responsibilities can change from day to day. So, it’s important to have at least one or two periods a day when you know exactly how things are going to play out. And, what’s more, you have the power to control these times.

Your routines don’t have to be anything intense or lengthy. Even a simple 15-minute morning routine of drinking your coffee and reading a few pages of a light book can be a great way to start your day. You might also set a routine of taking a quick walk after lunch or settling down with the same skincare and relaxation routine at night. Having some sense of normalcy each day will keep you grounded when other areas of your life go haywire.

Set Weekly Goals

Some people like to set daily goals, which can be incredibly encouraging. Many people, though, find daily goals or “to do” lists to either be overwhelming or restrictive, which can make you less productive overall. Instead, consider setting weekly goals that you can accomplish whenever you have some extra time throughout the week.

These weekly goals can apply both to work and to family life. Maybe you need to schedule some interviews for a new employee, start planning for an upcoming conference, and call to set up your kids’ next doctor’s appointments. These things can be done at any time over the week, so you won’t be discouraged if you don’t get them done on a certain day. But you can still rest assured knowing that these tasks are front-of-mind and aren’t falling to the wayside.

Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate

As women, we’re often hardwired to believe we have to do it all. Not only have we traditionally been told that we’re the ones who need to take care of the household, but as entrepreneurs, there’s an added pressure to have a hand in every aspect of our businesses. The truth is, though, that we’re only human. There’s only so much we can get done in a day, and we can’t do it alone.

Work to delegate tasks as often as you can. It can be hard to relinquish this control at first, but you’ll feel better with less on your plate, and your coworkers or family will feel proud that you can trust them. Delegating even seemingly small tasks like sending out the company newsletter or emptying the dishwasher each day can help you make sure everything is getting done in a timely manner, even without your direct supervision.

Be Flexible

There’s just no way around it: in business and at home, things just don’t always go as planned. It can be tough to readjust when things go off the rails, but being flexible is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success. You’ll find that the world will continue turning even if you have to cancel a meeting or reschedule an appointment.

When unexpected circumstances come up, resist the urge to respond immediately. It’s easy to get frustrated and flustered. Instead, take a step back and let yourself calm down for a moment. You can work with your team or family to rearrange your schedule and handle all the responsibilities that you might be missing out on. Above all, remember that tomorrow is a new day, and everything will get back on track.

Prioritize Family Time

When you’re an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to spend every waking hour working. After all, you’ve created this company, so you may feel like you have to dedicate all of your time to making it succeed. However, taking specific times away from work and spending these periods with your family, undistracted, will hugely benefit everyone involved.

In the past, most families finished their busy days gathered around the dinner table together. But today, as we work longer hours and kids are involved in extracurriculars, it’s often not feasible to have family dinners every night. If it works better for your family to enjoy breakfast together each day or set aside a night to watch a movie together each week, then that’s wonderful. Figure out what works for your family, and ensure everyone is dedicated to keeping these times sacred.

Make Time for Yourself

Whether it’s at work or at home, we often get so involved in other tasks that we forget to care for ourselves. But you simply can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re overworking yourself, you’ll be quick to experience burnout, and those around you can tell the difference. To make sure you’re giving the best of yourself to your family and your team, it’s vital to dedicate some time to yourself.

Your self-care can look however you want it to. Maybe, for you, self-care means taking a hot bath at the end of the week. It could mean attending a workout class, enjoying some ice cream, or setting a coffee date with a friend. Whatever the case may be, look for activities that will let you relax, focus on yourself, and truly rest and recharge. You’ll thank yourself for it.

When it comes to balancing family life and work-life, there’s no one more equipped to give advice than your fellow female entrepreneurs. That’s why the Long Island Center is here! We’re proud to offer a positive space for women to support women, both in their businesses and in their family lives. Plus, we’re all here to cheer you on with every success!

New Year’s Resolutions for Female Entrepreneurs

New Year’s Resolutions for Female Entrepreneurs

Happy 2022! We’re already one month into the New Year, and we’re sure you have some goals you’ve been wanting to fulfill. But even if you don’t have anything in mind, it’s never a bad idea to want to improve. Here are some small goals you can add to enhance your new year’s resolutions, or little habits you can try to implement into your routine for self-improvement. Make the changes, so you can become the “you” you want to be!

Keep A Routine

Keeping a routine seems like such a simple task, but it’s harder than it sounds. Sometimes the day ahead seems overwhelming and we just don’t want to get out of bed, or we get distracted by outside factors. Not every day has to be the same, but waking up at the same time every (work) day, eating breakfast at the same time, specifying a time period in your day to do light reading or take a short walk can lead to better and healthier habits. One small change can improve your quality of life immensely; it starts small, after all!

Make Time For Yourself

You’re a woman of all trades: a business owner, an entrepreneur, a wife, a mother, a successful woman trying to juggle the many aspects of your life. But, your body and brain need rest and self-care, or you’ll inevitably end up crashing. “Hustling” all the time isn’t good for you; in fact, overworking yourself will lead to burnout and not being able to enjoy the spoils of your work. So take time for yourself, go out with friends, take a class you’ve been interested in, and spend a day at the spa. Do the things you enjoy – life only happens once, and though hard work will get you far, don’t waste all of your time working and regretting it.

Keep Getting Back Up

There’s always a chance that you’ll slip up when trying to improve yourself or trying to get into a new habit. Don’t be hard on yourself if you fall back into old habits or bad behaviors. A few slip ups are completely normal; what matters is that you’re trying. Don’t use a mistake to quit, either – just get back up and try again.

Remember Why You’re Working Hard

Whether you’re starting your own business/side hustle, moving up in your career or changing your trajectory, you may face roadblocks that make you feel doubt and insecurity. Feeling negatively is normal, but remember why you’ve made these decisions and why you’ve been working so hard. Take some time to reevaluate yourself and reignite that passion. Remember that you’re living your dreams.

Get Involved With Your Community

Volunteering locally or donating to a cause you feel passionate about can do wonders for your psyche. Not only will you be helping people around you, but you’ll feel good about yourself because you’re helping others. Giving back to the community can help you make new connections, educate yourself on local issues, and help you grow as a person and understand how you fit into the world around you. Plus, volunteering can enhance your people skills! 

Find Other Female-run Businesses to Support

Starting a business and keeping a business afloat comes with a cornucopia of challenges. It may be hard for your business to get noticed, especially if you’re just starting out. You obviously don’t want to give your competition an advantage, but meeting other female entrepreneurs can only help you. Establish a network to share your goals with, support each other during events, and bounce ideas off of each other to apply to your businesses. Collaborate with each other, especially if your industries overlap. Connect with women who’ve been in similar industries, and find a mentor to share your trials and tribulations with. Building connections and word-of-mouth marketing will always be extremely valuable in not just a business, but in every facet of your life. Join a group like the Long Island Center to find other female-run businesses to support!

Join A Networking Group

Going back to the last point: joining a networking group like the Long Island Center can help you achieve your goals. We are an organization dedicated to supporting, uplifting and encouraging female participation in various industries by hosting relevant events and providing networking opportunities, education and professional development. We want to see you succeed in your personal and professional journeys!

Why Networking Is Essential To Your Career (And Tips on How To Network)

Why Networking Is Essential To Your Career (And Tips on How To Network)

You probably already know what networking is if you’re part of the LI Center or have been thinking about joining. Networking involves forming connections with not just customers, but like-minded individuals in order to form connections that can enhance your business or career. 

It can seem intimidating and confusing at first, but doesn’t have to be. Networking is how many entrepreneurs have achieved amazing results. A good work ethic is essential for a successful business, but “rags-to-riches” and successful stories never seem to mention that success usually comes with knowing the right people! Networking leads to new opportunities, generates leads, and most importantly, provides relationships that can last even a lifetime.  

Here are some helpful tips to get you started on your new networking journey!

Set A Goal

Networking is incredibly important if you’re starting a new business. You want as many connections as possible to know about your new venture; these connections can even result in your first clients! Networking can also lead to word-of-mouth referrals that solidify your reputation. Even if you’re not starting a business, though, maybe you’re looking for a new job. Truthfully, networking is the way most people set foot in the business world.

However, it’s up to you to set your goal. Success doesn’t happen overnight and it’ll be difficult to achieve it if you don’t know what you’re doing. You also don’t have to start big: maybe, your goal is to meet a few new interested customers or find at least one person who has the same passion for marketing as you do. That will make it easier for you to manage your precious time.

Attend Events 

This seems like a given, but it’s crucial to attend events if you want to meet new people. The COVID-19 pandemic has made in-person events rather difficult, but even if you’re not comfortable with meeting people in person, there are many online workshops, classes, and events that you can take advantage of. If comfortable with venturing to an in-person gathering, small business owners should check their local associations and societies for any events going on. 

Industry gatherings and conferences are the best way to meet like-minded people in your field, but even a workshop can help you form surprising connections. The most important step is to get yourself out there.

Get On Social Media

Yes, social media -- everyone’s online these days, and as we become more and more reliant on the internet, this is only going to become more prominent. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are more casual channels of communication, but they’re now essential tools for businesses, especially if you’re selling a hand-crafted product or promoting a restaurant. People love pictures! 

For business networking, LinkedIn is your most essential channel. Every entrepreneur or those trying to build a career should have a LinkedIn, as it’s essentially your social media “business card” and a great platform to list your accomplishments. 

Take A Friend

Honestly, networking is hard. Talking to strangers doesn’t come naturally to everyone, especially if you’re introverted, and it can feel shallow at times. Don’t be afraid to bring a buddy if you need one. This may even work in your favor; your friend can hype you up, you can play off each other’s banter and tackle conversations together. Before a networking event, you can even practice what you say. Just be sure you’re not chatting with them the whole time, but bringing a friend to a networking event is like trying to score a date -- you’ll have a wing(wo)man!

Don’t Be Afraid to Practice

Confidence is key if you’re trying to sell yourself. If you’re unable to articulate, how will you advertise your product or retain someone’s attention? It may seem cheesy, but don’t be afraid to practice your social skills if you feel they’re lacking or are an introvert. Even charismatic people can practice to further enhance their swagger! Consider listing down icebreakers to open with (a compliment goes a long way) and practice reciting them. Write down questions you’d like to ask people. Tweak your business pitch until you get it perfect, and then tweak it some more in case you’re met with different situations. You can never be too prepared!

Pay Close Attention

Don’t scan around the room looking for your next conversational partner if you’re already talking to someone. Keep eye contact and give your full focus. Ask relevant questions, to not only show that you’re a good listener but to learn about the industry and gather the information that can help you build your business. Ask for a business card, and take notes on important points. You don’t want people to think you’re shallow, and you want your connections to last. Make your interest known through your pleasant attitude and make people feel like you’re actually listening to them. 

Follow Up!

You’ve put yourself out there, gone to the event, got the hard parts done, and talked to some industry professionals, experts, or prospective leads. That’s great! But that’s only the beginning. To keep building a relationship that doesn’t completely crumble, you need to follow up with your contact. Refer to the notes you’ve taken, and shoot them a personalized email or phone call. Older clients may also appreciate a letter. Invite them to lunch, or send them an event or article they may be interested in. The foundation has been set, so make sure it doesn’t crumble.

Be Clear With Your Intentions

Finally, you’ve established a connection, and the person asks how they can help you. Now, don’t be afraid to ask for what you want -- a referral, a lead to a job, an appearance on that podcast. If you’ve formed a great relationship, it’ll be mutually beneficial as well; they scratch your back, and you can scratch theirs.

The world of networking is difficult, but it can open many doors. If you haven’t joined already, why not join the Long Island Center? Our group is made for networking! We provide a plethora of benefits, host events with diverse professionals from many industries, and have many amazing members in all walks of their entrepreneurial journeys to learn from. You can become a member by checking out this page here!

5 Movies About Female Entrepreneurs To Inspire Your Career Journey

5 Movies About Female Entrepreneurs To Inspire Your Career Journey

There are many amazing female entrepreneur stories, just like yours! Here are some movies below that feature female business women, whether they showcase a journey of one’s success, or have an already strong, established female lead with a bustling career. 

Sweet Home Alabama

A classic romantic comedy about being true to yourself also features a savvy businesswoman as its protagonist. Melanie Carmichael (Reese Witherspoon) is a fashion designer who lives a seemingly perfect life. When her wealthy and well-connected boyfriend proposes, everything seems like it’s right out of a fairy tale, but Melanie is hiding a secret past. Growing up with poor Southern roots, Melanie has gone through lengths to hide her upbringing, like changing her name from Smooter to Carmichael, and now has to go back home to file a divorce with her childhood sweetheart. 

Though the movie mostly focuses on romance, one of the defining parts of Melanie’s character is that she is a successful businesswoman who’s clawed her way up to the top. However, she’s forgone parts of herself in order to achieve that success. Eventually, she ends up embracing the parts of herself she tried to hide, and reaches a happy ending with her childhood sweetheart, continuing that success! It’s an important lesson for us to remember, too: don’t compromise yourself just for the sake of success. Stay true to yourself, and you’ll feel better about the accomplishments you achieve.

The Devil Wears Prada

This iconic movie is one everyone knows and has two famous actresses as two memorable leads. Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is an aspiring journalist who lands a job at the prestigious magazine Runaway as an assistant to editor-in-chief Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), one that “millions of girls would kill for”. Andy is not interested in fashion, and puts up with the grueling treatment and workload to build up experience for a year in hopes of getting a job somewhere else. Fitting in is quite a struggle, so Andy asks the help of the magazine’s art director, Nigel, to dress for the occasion and transform her into someone who can fit in the vapid world she’s entered. In order to survive and become closer to her powerful boss, Andy must emulate the cruelness of the industry — but in adapting, such behavior starts to affect her daily life. 

Hopefully, you haven’t encountered a toxic workplace or a demeaning boss, but this movie is one that you may also relate to. In order to perform well at a new workplace, you may have needed to make some changes to fit in with your coworkers or please your boss. Nonetheless, both Miranda and Andy are businesswomen in different stages of their lives — an established boss who’s stayed at the top through all means necessary, and a new graduate trying to navigate the industry. Most of us probably relate more to Andy than Miranda, but they’re both strong women in their own right and their experiences have shaped who they are.


A newer movie released in 2019, Little features several black women in its cast and is a family-friendly age regression comedy. Businesswoman Jordan Sanders (Regina Hall) used to be bullied as a child, and uses her new power as the owner of a tech company to bully her own employees. After being rude to a little girl, the girl uses her toy wand to wish that Jordan was a kid again — and somehow, that wish comes true. Jordan wakes up as her 13-year old self (portrayed by Marsai Martin) the next day, and her assistant April (Issa Rae) must take over the company while Jordan navigates being a 13-year old again.

Black women are rarely seen in positions of power, though we’ve gradually started to see this in the business world and in film. It’s very refreshing to see! The film is a comedy, but we do see April attempt to promote her mobile app pitch to a client. Even if the portrayals are rather unrealistic, there is actual focus on some business processes in Little.

Coco Before Chanel

Coco Before Chanel is a biographical documentary about one of the most prolific creatives of the fashion industry. The film is mostly a recount of Chanel’s tumultuous life, starting from somber early years to right before her career starts to make serious waves. Chanel’s life is a long journey with many hardships before she reaches success, but her strength and will to go on help lead her to eventual fame. In the movie, Chanel is told that “there’s no one else like you” — and that goes without saying. Every woman is unique with their own strengths, and utilizing those strengths will help you achieve your own goals with your own business.

Working Girl

An older movie from the 1980’s, but still relevant even in 2021. Tess McGill (Sigourney Weaver) is an ambitious and hardworking Irish American who works as a stockbrokers secretary, wanting to eventually reach an executive position. Though she’s very bright, her male boss and coworkers treat her less than favorably, and frustration with such chauvinistic behavior causes her to quit. The staffing service representative who hired her chastises her behavior, but gives her a final chance to be an assistant to Katharine Parker, a young associate in the Mergers and Acquisitions department at another company. Katharine, at first, seems like a supportive ally, but Tess must go through many trials and tribulations in order to move up in the business world as people are never as nice as they seem.

We’ll spoil the ending for you. At the movie’s conclusion, Tess is able to finally become a junior executive and have her own secretary. In your career you may encounter obstacles, including sexism and people who may want to use you as a means for their own success. But being a woman is an asset, and your personal experiences serve as your strength. Sticking true to your gut and a sense of perseverance will help you overcome adversity in the workplace. 

Still, you don’t need to be alone on the course of your career. The Long Island Center is a network for women supporting women — we’re here to be a positive force in your own business journey as you continue to succeed!

How To Fully Optimize Your Planner

How To Fully Optimize Your Planner

A planner is more than just a notebook, and more than just a calendar. You may be surprised to learn that in the digital world we live in, paper planners are increasingly popular with professionals of all ages and industries. Whether you opt for a pocket-sized planner or one that resembles a small textbook, one with all blank pages or one with dedicated sections for everything and anything you could think of, the concept of a planner is to help you do what you need to do and organize your life with as little stress as possible. 

Whether you are new to using physical planners or have been using one for years, this blog post will help you learn how to truly make the most out of your planner. It may not change your life on its own, however a well-organized planner can be the catalyst for larger change in other areas of your life. First, let’s go over some of the reasons why you should be using a planner in the first place, and where to begin your search when looking to purchase. 

Why you should be using a paper planner 

There are so many benefits to using a paper planner, from decreasing your stress to improving your physical and mental health, but being able to better manage your time and maximize your productivity each day definitely tops the list. While you may be in the habit of writing down important notes and reminders in your phone, consider how prone you are to distractions - and how your dependence on your phone to stay organized may be undermining your productivity. 

Having a paper planner will also help you accomplish your tasks faster. When all of  your tasks, reminders, and other important resources are written down in one place, it makes tackling your do-to list significantly easier with fewer chances of getting distracted or becoming disorganized. 

Another benefit of a paper planner over digital notebooks like the iPhone notes app is that you are encouraged to declutter your to-do list by transferring unfinished tasks to the following day or week. In this process you will be forced to consider whether you are giving priority to the right tasks, and maintain a productive workflow. 

Where to get your planner

Spend some time considering the size, layout, features, and overall design that best fits your needs. If you don’t have a lot of experience with using a physical planner, you may be better off with an undated option. This way you have the option to use the planner more freely without becoming disorganized if you skip a day or even a week. 

Almost any format that you prefer can be found on websites like Amazon and, with free shipping and returns available for most purchases. You can also check out niche websites that offer fun designs, or even an option to customize the covers and pages to truly meet your preferences. An increasingly popular website for buying planners is, where individual sellers showcase their own planner designs. While you may be quick to brush off the importance of aesthetics, a cover that catches your eye may be just what you need to put pen to paper each day. 

Now let’s discuss some of the most rewarding ways you can utilize your planner. 

Monitor your spending

Lots of planners nowadays come with a section dedicated to finances and budgets, but all you really need is a couple of blank lines in the “notes” section, or wherever you have some extra space. How you wish to keep track of your spending habits is up to you; some people prefer to write out monthly spending goals they aim for, while others may prefer to make note of their daily spending limits. You can even include a budget beside certain events like work expenditures, dinners with friends, or periodic subscriptions. 

Regardless of how you like to organize your budget, any attention you give to your finances will undoubtedly make you more mindful of your day-to-day spending habits and less likely to spend frivolously. As is the case with other habits, you’re likely to totally overlook how much money you are spending if you never take note of it. 

Jot down important dates

This may sound like an obvious one, but lots of people with planners are unsure of what deadlines, due dates, appointments, and events to include and exclude from their planner. A good rule of thumb is to include anything that is important to you. There is no right or wrong answer. 

Some examples of important dates to include in your planner can include health and self-care related appointments, social events, document and subscription expiration dates, and all job-related deadlines.  

This is a great way to utilize the monthly calendar that all planners include. Whether or not you enter these dates in both the monthly calendar and the daily planner sections is totally up to you. See what works best with your own organizational preferences. 

Set aside time for self-care

All too often do people get so caught up in their work, family, and social obligations that they neglect to spend sufficient time on their own well-being. Reserving time for self-care activities is crucial to sustainable professional and personal growth, and your mental well-being. This could involve setting aside time for the gym, some yoga, a hot bath, a nail appointment, or even a movie in bed. 

When you include self-care activities in your planner alongside your other obligations, you are giving yourself the same respect you give to your career and other responsibilities. Going forward, try your best to make time for yourself, rather than find time for yourself. The latter implies that you allocate time for these activities just as you would a doctor’s appointment or work meeting.   

Think of your goals

Expand your idea of what a “goal” means. For example, a goal can refer to general intentions like staying productive, exploring new interests, and staying mindful of your mental health - as well as specific accomplishments you’d like to achieve such as improving your physical health or building a relationship. 
When considering what your monthly goals are, think about how you want to feel a month from now and use that as inspiration. Remember to review your goals each week to ensure that they stay fresh in your mind and you remain focused. However don’t hesitate to change your goals around, whether that means allowing yourself more time to accomplish them or changing the goal entirely. This section is only to help you stay motivated, not to add increased pressure to your life. 

Be mindful of your daily habits 

Try your best to be mindful of your daily habits, and take note of them in your planner at least at the end of each week if not each day. The purpose of this is not to set rigorous guidelines for yourself, but rather to stay aware of your behavior, and change your goals accordingly. This could involve spending habits or the amount of time you spend each day on your phone or watching TV when you could be doing something else. 

These types of habits tend to go unnoticed unless you make notes of it after the fact - as is the case with spending habits as discussed above. You can also incorporate new habits into your planner that you want to pick up going forward. This could include daily gym routines or setting aside time each morning to make yourself lunch to bring to work. 

Perform periodic ‘brain dumps’ 

What is meant by a “brain dump”? Think of it as a release of thoughts and ideas that you jot down in bullets or paragraph form so you don’t forget them. The point of a brain dump is to help you recall your thoughts and ideas, manage your headspace and prevent you from becoming too overwhelmed with things to remember, and serve as overall inspiration. 

There are so many things you can include in your daily brain dump such as new ideas to improve your workflow, or potential goals that you want to add to next month’s planner. If you can, try to set aside a few minutes after your brain dump to reorganize your thoughts and ideas once they’re down on paper. Remember that in order to get the most out of a brain dump, you should try and apply it to your upcoming schedule. 

Practice your gratitude

It’s normal for people to get so wrapped up in their work or other obligations that they feel overwhelmed and on edge. If left unchecked, this could even turn into anxiety or depression. Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to keep yourself grounded in reality, and luckily all it takes is a few minutes of reflection, and you can do it at any time!

Try jotting down a few things that you’re thankful for each day or each week right into your planner. This can be general things like your health, career, or loved ones as well as more specific things like how you had an easy commute or a really great gym routine that day. 

Even in your most stressful hour, finding something that you’re thankful for can help turn your attitude around, get you out of your own head, and give you the extra push to persevere. 

Achieve your full potential

As stated above, a planner on its own will not change your life - even if you are to follow all these tips. However, it can be a really valuable tool that keeps you on track to meet and exceed all your professional and personal goals.

Today’s modern professional typically has more pressure and responsibility than ever before, so keeping organized is incredibly important and a sure way to keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed. Just as the Long Island Center family aims to support professionals of all ages and disciplines, a truly optimized planner will help you support yourself and persevere in times of stress.

7 Steps for Building Your Email Marketing Strategy 

7 Steps for Building Your Email Marketing Strategy 

Let’s face it, emailing is not what it used to be. It’s become so much more than just sending a message to a list of contacts. No longer is it enough to send out cookie-cutter promotional emails to your contact list in the hopes of turning recipients into new customers. What’s more important nowadays is how well you can utilize your email marketing to connect with your audience on a personal level. 

Email marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to communicate with your audience of current and prospective customers, as well as all other stakeholders. With a well thought-out email marketing strategy, you may not only see your product or service sales increase, but you will be able to remind your customers that a real person is behind your brand. 

Sure, it may seem overwhelming to get into the email marketing game, but it’s definitely worth your time and it really is simpler than you might think. Let’s discuss the basic steps of building an effective email marketing strategy, so in no time you can begin delivering targeted messages to your audience that will catch their attention with a specific call-to-action. 

Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform 

To the dismay of those that have gotten by with using an excel spreadsheet to keep track of all their email contacts over the years, a more comprehensive method of email marketing is necessary in order to stay competitive and in the minds of your customers. Luckily, the past decade has seen the arrival of dozens of new email marketing platforms, each with their own special set of features that can take your marketing strategy to the next level. 

When you’re deciding which platform to use for your email marketing, consider the following important factors: Integration, or specifically how well the platform will integrate with your current CRM software like Salesforce or Hubspot; Reading and Viewing Options, specifically its design options for mobile-viewing versus traditional desktop-viewing; and Response Handling, or how your software can help to send automated responses which helps if you have a larger list of contacts. 

Mailchimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse, and Sendinblue are all popular choices for business owners and perform well in regard to all the factors mentioned above. There are however subtle differences such as design features and available analytics, so do some research in order to decide which is the best for your specific business model and marketing objective.  

Build and Segment Your Email List 

This may very well be the most time-consuming element of your email marketing campaign, but it goes without saying that it is the most essential. Gathering contact information from people who will find your content interesting can only be done through organic means. This could involve taking emails from existing lists, using pop-up forms on your website and Facebook lead ads, and setting up landing pages. Although a tempting option, you want to refrain from buying email lists as those contacts will likely have low response rates because they will be full of people who have no real interest in your business or organization, and will likely unfollow pretty soon after receiving your first email blast.

Once you’ve collected a good amount of email contacts, the next step is to segment it or, in other words, divide it based on interests or demographics such as past purchases, location, B2B vs B2C, etc. By segmenting your email list, you are able to send more targeted email blasts to your audience. Think about the emails that come into your own inbox; the more relevant the email is to you, the more likely you are to open it. 

Decide What Type of Content to Send

When launching an email campaign, the first thing you should do is identify several clear objectives. In other words, what do you want the campaign to achieve for you and your business? Having specific goals to guide you will help you navigate the process with ease. 

Typical email marketing objectives include driving website traffic, promoting certain products and boosting their sales, relaying information such as new services or members of an organization, and soliciting donations. 

To meet these and other objectives, don’t be afraid to get creative. The usual email marketing suspects like the weekly newsletter and sale announcement can be helpful, but these can also become predictable and over time lead to decreased opening rates. Consider including testimonials, reviews, surveys and feedback inquiries, and behavioral emails such as emails formulated to re-engage contacts who have not been opening your emails or website visitors who never purchased items added to their cart. 

Create Quality Content 

You may have well-thought-out objectives and a comprehensive list of contacts, but all this means nothing if you’re content is lazy or repetitive. This could refer to the copy within the emails as well as its aesthetics and lack of a user-friendly design. 

It’s important to ensure that your email content is tailored to your audience in terms of language and subject matter. This is where your contact segmentation really comes into play. Additionally, while your copy should be clear and concise, you should be mindful of not overusing ‘trigger’ words or melodramatic language in trying to achieve your email’s call-to-action. For example, while dramatic language may increase your email’s open rate, over time it will hurt your trustworthy reputation - especially if you don’t have the actual content to support the use of said language. 

In terms of design, be sure that your emails are always on-brand and consistent in terms of aesthetics. Your emails should be so on-brand that your audience will be able to tell who it’s from without looking at the sender. It’s equally important that you prominently include your business’s logo and relevant contact information in the footer of each email, including links to social media pages. 

Design for both mobile and desktop 

Let’s talk about “mobile-first” design when it comes to your emails. Mobile-first refers to designing an email optimized for a mobile (phone) format and then adapting it for desktop screens, instead of the other way around. This strategy is more useful than ever, as studies show that 41.9% to 62% of emails are opened on mobile screens. 

Because mobile use is growing while the desktop is shrinking, it’s important that you abide by a few basic principles when it comes to your email’s design. For starters, make sure that your CTA (call to action) buttons are large enough to stand out on the smaller screen of a smartphone. Keep in mind that your content should be stacked, as to prevent your audience from having to scroll horizontally in order to view your content. It’s also crucial to remember that if an email is too large it will surely slow down your phone’s ability to load quickly, so always keep your email size in check and try to limit your use of images and interactive features. 

Map out a Schedule

You put so much work into the content of your email, so it would be such a shame to have all that hard work go to waste because nobody opened it up when it appeared in their inbox. That’s why it’s crucial to take time in figuring out the best schedule for your email blasts, including the most effective frequency. 

There are some general windows of time that are recommended for sending emails, however, the best way to ensure you’re reaching the maximum number of your contacts is through testing. You can either try a one-time slot for one week and another the next and compare the two, or you can conduct an ‘A/B’ test where you assign groups of your contacts to different time slots and compare the results. If you’re using one of the email marketing websites mentioned above, you should be able to analyze and compare the results of these tests without ever leaving the said website.

Lastly, be mindful of how frequently you are sending out emails. If you send too many, it will be perceived as spam - not just by your email provider, but by the recipient as well. Think about your own inbox; if you’ve subscribed to a business in the past that sent daily emails, it’s likely that you either stopped opening them or unsubscribed altogether. 

Track Your Progress

Just as you should be tracking your open rates to determine the best times to send out emails, you should be tracking open rates to help determine whether your content is fully optimized or relevant to your contacts. The analytical features of various email marketing platforms allow you to not only check open rates over time but also website clicks. This can give you a really good idea of how effective your content strategy is. 

Remember to run reports every now and then, and track your progress as you experiment with new types of content. Take note of what your audience seems to respond to and strive to always build on your success.

Some Final Tips for Success 

  • Reward contacts who constantly open your emails. They are some of your business’s biggest supporters. Be sure to survey them as well. 

  • Take note of what data you have on your current contacts, and aim to personalize emails as best you can. 

  • Make it easy to unsubscribe. Not only is this legally required, but it speaks to your business’s integrity and professionalism. 

  • Perform regular A/B tests to compare which details perform better with your contacts. 

  • Regularly go through your contact list and remove those who never open your emails. 

  • Try not to take unsubscribers personally. 

Have no fear! 

While it is worth your time to become familiar with the basics of email marketing, it’s normal to want some guidance so you can feel certain that you’re taking full advantage of the email automation features offered by the various platforms mentioned above. Luckily there are so many free resources available online to help you determine the best course of action for your email marketing strategy. Whether you are unsure of the best time to send out your email or the best subject line to use, it has never been easier to learn from professional digital marketers online. Do a little digging, and you’ll be shocked by how much you can accomplish. You got this!

How to Create a More Productive Workspace, at Home or in the Office

How to Create a More Productive Workspace, at Home or in the Office

A workspace should be more than just a workspace. Sure, technically all you really need is the basics - a desk, chair, and whatever materials your work requires. But doing your work is about more than just getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. Although it may sound cliche it’s about the journey. Studies have shown that a workspace which inspires you not only makes you happier and more creative, but also far more productive. When the quality of your workspace improves, so will the quality of your work. 

It’s understandable that redesigning your workspace can feel like an overwhelming task. But it doesn’t have to be, nor does it have to be expensive and time consuming. There are many research-backed ways to enhance your workspace, whether at home or in a company office, to elicit increased productivity. Let’s discuss a few of them.

Let the light in 

Let’s start with lighting, an often overlooked aspect of workspace design. Did you know that poor lighting can cause headaches, strained eyes, and even fatigue? Dark, poorly lit rooms can bring on general irritability and depression over time, whereas bright and natural colored bulbs can improve mood and productivity. 

If you work from home, you may have more options when it comes to improving your lighting such as swapping light bulbs, opening blinds, or simply moving to a brighter space. But for those who work in a company office, do not be afraid to at least request these types of changes. Your employer may opt to switch light bulbs or move work spaces to brighter areas when they realize it’s proven to increase productivity. If this is not a possibility, experiment with your own supplemental lighting, whether that be a basic lamp or a therapy light device

Task lighting is another trick you can try to help you stay focused throughout the day, and decrease the chance of straining your eyes. It involves having an additional, focused light source that will clearly separate your current task from distractions around you. An example of this would be using a small desk lamp pointed down towards the area of your desk in which you’re working, instead of illuminating your entire workspace. 

Show your true colors

Color has been proven to have similar effects on brain function and overall mood as lighting. According to color psychologist Angela Wright, the four psychological primary colors - red, blue, yellow, and green - affect the body, mind, emotions, and the balance of all three, respectively. Interestingly, according to Wright, when you combine more than one color, you can obtain the effects of both of them. It should be noted that the mood-altering effects of a color may differ from person to person, as these effects are largely influenced by one’s personal relationship and mental associations to that color. Additionally, different cultures assign different meanings to colors.

The most important thing about your workspace is that it brings about feelings of happiness and productivity. So while you can look at color psychology charts online for inspiration, recognize that while red may make one person feel confident and motivated, it may not have the same effects for you. So have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment! 

If you work from home, consider adding splashes of color around your work area - or even repainting a wall if you have the time. If you work in a company office, bring personal items of a certain color to keep displayed on your desk such as picture frames, postcards, or small pieces of art. 

Step into your comfort zone

There are several studies that suggest a direct correlation between warmer interior temperatures and lower productivity, however, another study indicates that this correlation is more common in men and that women tend to be more productive in a warmer environment. At the end of the day, everyone is different and what’s important is you be comfortable. After all, whether you prefer it warm or cool, people tend to work better and more efficiently when they are comfortable. Since the temperature in most offices is controlled by someone else, have sweaters, a small blanket, a fan, or even a space heater to help you obtain maximum comfort. 

Even with an ideal temperature, it’s hard to get work done if you find yourself constantly fidgeting and adjusting at your desk due to an uncomfortable chair and desk set-up. If you want to stay focused, then make sure to put some time into finding a comfortable chair and adjusting it to the proper height. 

Consider the following tips; your face should be 24-46 inches from a computer screen to minimize strain on your eyes, and the top of the monitor should be at or below eye level, never above. Your feet should be on a footrest or resting on the floor, but not dangling from your chair. Lastly, a slightly reclined chair position is best to reduce spinal pressure and minimize pain in your lower book. 

There must be something in the air

Did you ever consider that different smells can affect our mood just as lighting and colors can? Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool when it comes to improving memory and your overall emotional state. Studies have shown that certain scents can affect your ability to retain and recall information and concentrate for long periods of time. 

For example, pine has been found to increase alertness, cinnamon improves focus, and peppermint lifts your mood.  If you work from home, consider purchasing quality candles, incense, or essential oils. You can even simmer different herbs and spices on the stove to fill your home with a certain scent. However, in an office environment, odds are that most people would prefer you keep added scents to your own personal area. Consider keeping essential oils in a bag or drawer and applying it to a handkerchief of tissue for a quick boost of energy. 

Scents aside, it’s a good idea to start paying attention to the air you breathe. Poor air quality is more common than you think in office buildings and even in your own home. This could lead to dizziness and a decreased ability to think clearly and focus. According to the EPA, there are three major reasons for poor air quality inside office buildings; the presence of indoor air pollution sources such as carpet or paints, poorly designed or under-maintained ventilation systems, and buildings being utilized for things other than what it was designed for. 

If you work from a company office and suspect that your office has poor air quality, talk to your boss about installing air filters or leaving windows and doors open at least for a few hours a day. At the least consider purchasing a personal air filter that you can keep on your desk or nearby. Certain plants are known to also help with filtering air in smaller enclosed spaces. 

Get your head out of the clutter

According to the Harvard Business Review, clutter tends to accumulate either when a person cannot make decisions about things or has no clear system in place for dealing with certain objects or tasks. Cluttered spaces have negative effects on stress and anxiety, especially in the workplace, so it’s important not only to regularly clear out clutter but to thoroughly understand how it accumulates in the first place. 

There are different types of clutter, including supplies clutter, paper clutter, and often the most difficult to work through, memory clutter which involves objects that hold sentimental value. It’s important to have a system in place for approaching clutter before it becomes out of hand. If you find yourself dealing with the same type of clutter, such as a certain piece of paperwork that you have yet to determine what to do with, now is the time to brainstorm a course of action. 

Just as physical clutter is a common problem that leads to negative effects on stress and anxiety, digital clutter is becoming just as detrimental to our mental health in the workplace. As more and more businesses move totally digital, it’s important to familiarize yourself with different organizational tools available for your devices. This involves folders and hard drives. Familiarizing yourself with creating and organizing folders on your devices will allow you to have a place for everything, so your devices stay as organized and free from clutter as possible.

But wait, there’s more!

Keeping plants in your workspace, healthy refreshments on hand, a place for jotting down thoughts and ideas that you can return to later, and a designated drawer to store electronic devices that may distract you from your work are just a few of the many more easy ways you can change up your workspace to increase productivity. It’s time to reevaluate your workspace and consider whether or not it’s an environment that elicits your maximum potential. If it doesn’t, do not put off implementing changes. Remember, it does not have to be a huge undertaking. Start with small changes, and figure out which ones work best for you. You got this! 

Why You Should Join a Women’s Networking Group

Why You Should Join a Women’s Networking Group

Being exposed to an abundance of leaders and mentors of all generations, expertise and opportunities in a wide variety of fields, and a support system like no other are just some of the reasons why networking is such a necessary part of the entrepreneurial experience. However, women new to the professional world frequently encounter gender biases, increased scrutiny, micromanagement, and an overall lapse in equal opportunities. 

Research has shown that women who have a close inner-network of other female professionals are far more likely to obtain success in their field, as they’re exposed to expertise and opportunities they would not get from the traditional, more casual, networking relationships that men rely on. Because of this, professional women’s networking groups have become a sought after option which can provide opportunities for growth and support that mixed networking circles do not.

Why is everyone talking about female professional groups?  

Regardless of your gender, networking is, without doubt, a necessary step to advancing your career. It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked a corporate role for 30+ years, or just rejoined the workforce after years of full-time motherhood. You have probably already figured out that relationships and opportunities go hand in hand. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, one of the world's most-cited scientific journals, published a study in 2019 that found while men benefit from building broad networks, successful women typically have a broad network and a smaller inner network where they develop closer relationships.

This study shows that it is that much more important for women to develop close professional relationships in order to achieve the same level of success as most men. In short, women do not reap the same rewards as men do when it comes to maintaining basic professional relationships. Some supplementation of basic professional contacts with closer and more meaningful relationships can greatly benefit the working woman. According to the authors of the study, these closer inner-network relationships aren’t just about exposure to new opportunities. It’s about the exchange of advice specific to the experiences and challenges that women face. 

Despite what some critics claim, this trend is not about exclusivity. Moreso, the rising popularity of these types of female-centric groups speak to the reality that they offer things that typical networking environments do not. Let’s explore what some of those things are. 

The informality makes networking much more approachable 

Let’s face it. Even the word ‘networking’ just brings up feelings of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. The idea of having to sell yourself at all times while still being approachable and true to yourself is just easier said than done. It’s something that truly takes practice. What’s great about a professional women’s support group like the Long Island Center is that you are encouraged to be more than just a professional. You’re encouraged to be human, with all the vulnerability that being human entails. 

Think of a professional women’s group as a type of “safe space.” Consider the issues of sexism or sexual harassment. In a traditional networking setting, it may be uncomfortable to bring up these topics and seek support. It can even have negative consequences for one’s career in some scenarios. But in a female-centered group like this, these issues are viewed as something that brings members closer together. It’s these shared experiences that connect women, professional or not, in a world that has only begun to realize the true potential of the working woman.  

Overall, mixed networking environments can tend to feel overly formal and corporate in nature. And if you’re new to the world of networking as a professional, it can be downright intimidating. Women-only events can feel far more welcoming, making you feel more inclined to weigh in on important conversations you haven’t been able to have elsewhere. 

Having common experiences makes for faster relationship building

According to a 2018 study by the Center for American Progress, renowned research thinks tank, women are far more likely (40% to be exact) to say that parenthood responsibilities have negatively impacted their professional aspirations. And according to a 2018 Women in the Workplace report by  McKinsey & Company and, 62% of manager positions are held by men, and that number only rises with higher-up positions within the c-suite. That same study found that women are less likely to have interactions with senior leaders and that they are twice as likely to be mistaken for more junior employees. 

These findings are only the tip of the iceberg. When you take into consideration the frequency of sexual harassment in the workplace and the reality that women are far more likely to face discrimination and be questioned on their expertise by a male co-worker, the need for support systems for professional women is clear. Many women face similar adversity in their day-to-day lives. Whether or not a woman is a professional in an office or a stay-at-home mother, there is so much to be gained from making meaningful relationships with others who have faced the same challenges. 

Inspiration is all around you 

Stories and lessons to motivate women to rise the ranks, navigate and overcome moments of adversity, and encourage their peers to be the best version of themselves they can be - this is what being part of a women’s professional networking group can offer you. Belonging to a network like this where you are not just accepted for who you are but supported in all aspects of your life will surely help you build the necessary confidence needed to excel as a professional in today’s world. Through networking, mentoring, and knowledge sharing, you will be exposed to new ways of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and improved overall workplace satisfaction.

Events held by the Long Island Center feature guest speakers, 1-on-1 mentoring, discussion panels, and open conversations among the whole group, along with other types of quality opportunities for knowledge-sharing. Some of the Center’s past events include a speed networking session, wine socials, and a presentation on maximizing revenue opportunities. The power of learning should never be underestimated, and an environment such as a women’s networking group is an ideal setting for not only discovering new knowledge yourself but sharing your own expertise with women of different generations.

So much more 

A networking group like the Long Island Center can lead you to quality job referrals, help you identify your next career goal, spark a new interest, and provide you with opportunities to give back to the community. We partner with Dress to Impress, a Nassau County Department of Social Services initiative, to provide gently used clothing to both men and women who are seeking or have already secured employment and cannot afford professional business attire. We have collected clothing donations at our annual fashion show fundraiser for the past two years, and aim to continue this tradition going forward! 

What are you waiting for? Join the Long Island Center today! 

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Are you ready to join a diverse group of individuals who only wish to see you succeed? Are you ready to be the best version of yourself you can be? The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women will provide you with the necessary leadership skills, knowledge for business and professional development, and countless networking opportunities where you will develop meaningful relationships, not just professional contacts. Learn more about how to get involved by visiting our membership page today. 

7 Inspiring and Successful Women Entrepreneurs

7 Inspiring and Successful Women Entrepreneurs

Happy Women’s History month! In honor of businesswomen everywhere, we wanted to share some of the most inspiring and successful female entrepreneurs of the last decade. Our list is by no means exhaustive, but we strive to recognize women who have built global brands through dedication, hard work, and ambition. 

According to the World Bank, only one in three businesses are owned by women, internationally. Though this may not seem like a massive feat, women have been continuously paving the way for entrepreneurs for decades; and we keep climbing the ladder in all industries.

From the tech, media, and biopharma industries to fashion and beauty, countless self-made women have made their mark as successful business owners and executives. Though most entrepreneurs and executives are still men, more and more women are becoming innovators and business leaders. 

There are many women from the past who have built global brands, like Estée Lauder Lauder and Oprah Winfrey, but we wanted to share a list of 7 inspiring female entrepreneurs and business leaders. 

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Company: Biocon
Net worth: $4.2 billion 

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is the founder of the Indian biopharma company Biocon. She started this company in a rented shed, and now, it’s a global, billion-dollar company. With a net worth of $4.1 billion, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is India’s wealthiest self-made woman. 

Janice Bryant Howroyd  Company: ActOne Group
Net worth: $285 Million

Janice Bryant Howroyd is the founder of ActOne Group, an employment agency and consultancy based in Los Angeles. ActOne Group is also the first African-American female-led company to earn more than $1 billion in annual revenue. With over 17,000 clients in 19 countries across the world, Howroyd landed herself on Forbes' 2020 America's Richest Self-Made Women. 

Janice Bryant Howroyd is the founder of ActOne Group, an employment agency and consultancy based in Los Angeles. ActOne Group is also the first African-American female-led company to earn more than $1 billion in annual revenue. With over 17,000 clients in 19 countries across the world, Howroyd landed herself on Forbes' 2020 America's Richest Self-Made Women. 

Arianna Huffington
Company: The Huffington Post and Thrive Global
Net worth: $100 Million

Arianna Huffington launched The Huffington Post in 2005. In 2011, she sold it to AOL but continued to guide and grow the brand overseas. She stepped down from The Huffington Post in 2016 to launch and run a health and wellness startup called Thrive Global. Time Magazine has included her in its list of the world’s 100 most influential people. 

Tory Burch
Company: Tory Burch
Net worth: $850 million

Tory Burch, founder of her namesake company, launched her U.S.-based clothing and fashion line in 2004. Now, Tory Burch rakes in $1.5 billion in annual sales. Burch is also a philanthropist who started the Tory Burch Foundation to support women entrepreneurs. 

 Zhang Xin
Company:  SOHO China
Net worth: $3.5 billion

Zhang Xin is co-founder of SOHO China, a real estate development firm in China. Once a factory worker, Zhang Xin later went on to graduate from Cambridge University with a master's in economic development. Before launching her company, she worked for Goldman Sachs. Now, she’s known as “the woman who built Beijing.” 

Company: Fenty Beauty, Fenty Skin and Savage x Fenty
Net worth: $600 million

Robyn Fenty, also known as Rihanna, is a global popstar and now, an entrepreneurial idol. Since releasing her inclusive line of foundations, she has become a household name in the cosmetics and skincare industry. In addition to owning Fenty Beauty and Fenty Skin, Rihanna also owns Fenty x Savage and Fenty House with LVMH. One of her most recent expansions of the Fenty brand includes skincare for all skin types.

Kylie Jenner
Company: Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin
Net worth: $1 billion

At the young age of 21, Kylie Jenner became the world’s youngest ever female entrepreneur.  Her ever-growing beauty brands, Kylie Cosmetics, and Kylie Skin have been massively successful since their inception. According to Entrepreneur, Jenner’s company has grown at a faster rate than any other beauty brand before her! 

4 Steps for a More Profitable Blog in 2021  

4 Steps for a More Profitable Blog in 2021  

The past year has presented us with new challenges, including how, where, and when we work. Thanks to technology, countless businesses have moved online or integrated an online component to remain accessible and relevant in the digital sphere. 

What keeps your audience coming back to your brand or business? How do you keep people engaged? Well, one of the best ways to create a steady flow of traffic to your online business is to write reliable and informative blogs. However, you have to know how to use your blog to actually turn a profit, attract new customers, and keep them wanting more. 

Here are 4 steps for creating a more profitable blog in 2021.

Keyword analysis is your friend

Did you know that there were over 600 million active blogs globally in 2020? (Growth Badger) However, simply writing a blog doesn’t mean it will be profitable. Whether you’re writing a new blog or creating videos on YouTube, it’s essential you use keyword analysis to attract free traffic. 

Keywords are searchable words or phrases that people look up in search engines like Google or Bing. These keywords are ranked based on how many times they have been searched online. When you add relevant keywords to your content, you’re basically getting free advertising for your site! 

Be consistent and interesting

Any content you create for your business’s blog must be trustworthy, consistent, and, last but certainly not least, interesting! No matter how often you create content, it won’t make a lasting impression if it doesn’t hold the reader’s attention. 

You may create amazing content, but if it’s not consistent, your audience will lose interest. Likewise, if you’re constantly churning out cookie-cutter blogs, you won’t make a lasting impression. It’s important you hold your reader’s attention and keep them wanting more. 

Don’t skimp on your research

Ok, so you post interesting, industry-focused blogs every week. But, your job isn’t done just yet. Another integral part of producing a profitable blog is to ensure it’s a reliable source of information about your industry and business. Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don't blog. (DemandMetric)

Your blog should be your audience’s go-to guide, which is why it’s important you research what you write about and you use reputable resources to back up your information. Well-researched content catches people’s attention, making them more likely to engage with it long term. 

When people engage with your content, it demonstrates to the algorithm gods that it’s quality content and your content will ideally be shared with others. The end goal is that your content is shareable, which will drive more traffic to your website. 

Connect with your readers

Entrepreneur and professional blogger Yaro Starak asserts that email is the “next stop” communication tool: “First you blog, then you follow up email.” Emailing and connecting with your audience fosters community and gives you the opportunity to nurture that community. 

Your blog not only provides information, but it creates an experience directly associated with your brand. You are a unique product, so don’t be afraid to capitalize on your talents and establish real connections with your readers. As your community grows, you may even consider creating a membership or subscription service for your loyal readers and clients. 

Become a LI Center Member Today! 

We are committed to helping women advance their careers through leadership and networking opportunities, member education, community involvement, and personal and professional development. We also host educational events, lectures, and workshops so our members can gain the knowledge, skills, and support they need to succeed. 

Next month, sales and business development expert Rob Fishman will be presenting on how to maximize revenue opportunities in 2021. To learn more about our March meeting and other education opportunities, please visit our events page.

4 Ways to Revamp Your Business Plan in 2021

4 Ways to Revamp Your Business Plan in 2021

Last year was a whirlwind, to say the least, but we finally made it to 2021! Simply changing the date on our calendars doesn’t erase the past, but it can inspire us to pave the way for a better, brighter future. The New Year is a chance to welcome new sources of hope, opportunity, and growth into our personal and professional lives.

Over the past several months, businesses have had to adapt, rebuild, and lean on their communities for support. And if we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that supportive communities are the lifeblood of local businesses. But how do we, as business owners, stay engaged with our local community? How do we remain visible and viable in such uncertain times?

One of the major ways we can accomplish these goals is by revitalizing our business’s strategies and honing in on our objectives. In other words, it’s time to revamp our business plan!

Here are four ways to revamp your business plan in preparation for a new and exciting year: 

Analyze your business

Before enforcing your plan company-wide, we recommend conducting a SWOT analysis of your business. This analysis can help you identify your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the coming year. Once you complete the SWOT analysis, you will be better prepared to devise a well-balanced strategy and set realistic, actionable goals. 

Imagine new ways of working

Coronavirus has changed how we as a society interact and communicate with one another, and in turn, it has changed how we work. Now that much of the world works online or from home, many business owners are rethinking productivity and communication strategies. Working at the office may be perfect for some people, but that isn’t a viable option for everyone. As a business owner, it’s important to support your staff by creating a safe and comfortable environment in which they can excel in their roles. 

Ask yourself and your staff, “What’s the best way you and your teamwork?” Find what works for you and your team and try to find a solution together. 

Evaluate your finances

We understand that reviewing your finances isn’t enjoyable, but it’s an absolute must if you wish to remain viable. The pandemic has caused a lot of businesses to shut down or rely on grants for assistance to keep their doors open. Whether you’ve seen an influx of business or you’ve experienced a lull, perhaps you could consider applying for state and federal business grants to help. For example, the U.S. Small Business Administration offers a variety of Coronavirus Relief options.  

Consider introducing new products or services 

What services do you currently offer, and in what areas could you expand? Diversifying your products and services can help you reach new audiences and gain more customers. Your customers will also stay engaged and excited about your business, which they will likely share with their own circle of friends. If you offer something new, it shows your client base that your business is constantly evolving and open to new opportunities. 

How LI Center Can Support You

If you want to learn more about setting realistic business goals and how to achieve them, we’d be thrilled to have you as a part of our organization. The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women provides members with skills for leadership, knowledge for improving business through networking, and personal and professional motivation opportunities. To learn more about how to get involved, please visit our membership page. We wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year! 

Strategic Planning for Small Businesses in 2021

Strategic Planning for Small Businesses in 2021

It’s finally time to put the chaos of 2021 behind us and focus on the new and exciting opportunities 2022 will bring. Though 2021 was a challenging year, scalable and reliable growth for your small business is still obtainable. So, don’t lose hope! Achieving your growth targets for next year requires a solid growth plan. Developing an actionable, revenue-generating formula is essential to your business’s success.

The strategic planning process for small businesses can be summarized in the following 8 simple steps. 

Step 1: Analyze Your Current Strategic Position

Strategic planning always begins with analyzing your current strategic position. This typically involves understanding the external and internal environment of your business and identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).

As a result of analyzing your business’s internal environment, you will better understand your strengths and weaknesses, while analyzing your external environment gives you insight into any possible opportunities and threats. 

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In order to conduct a SWOT analysis, gather input from sources such as your customers and external market data. This information will help you determine your strategic position in the market, identify your business’s goals and objectives, and develop an appropriate plan for the future.

Step 2: Develop A Clear Vision

Developing a clear vision is the second step of strategic planning for your small business. Using the information gathered during your analysis, you must develop a roadmap for the future. Your business’s vision is more than just a three-line statement on your website--it’s the foundation of your strategic planning process. The strategies you adopt must be aligned with your vision, but you also must be able to adapt to changing market conditions. Adhering to your business’s vision will strengthen the integrity and sustainability of your business. 

Step 3: Develop a Mission Statement

Contrary to popular belief, your company’s vision and mission statement are two different aspects of your business’s strategic plan. Your business’s vision represents your long-term plan and long-term goals. On the other hand, your mission statement identifies the purpose of your company. This can include what your business does, who your customers are, what value you provide those customers, and more. Ultimately, your business’s mission statement helps you determine how you plan to accomplish your vision.  

Step 4: Establish Your Values

In order to accomplish your mission, you must establish your company’s values. Your company’s core values will define your business’s culture and will establish what’s expected of your employees and colleagues. A company’s culture and core values play a vital role in its success of failure. How your employees work and what they do on a daily basis will determine your company’s achievements through the year.

Step 5: Assess Risks 

Risk assessment is very important for your business’s strategic plan and is an extension of the weakness and threats identified earlier in the planning process. You must be constantly aware of potential obstacles and risks that may hinder your business from achieving its goals and objectives. Risk assessment is a proactive approach to planning ahead and allows you to act or react quickly and resolve any issues that may arise. 

Step 6: Develop Your Small Business Strategic Plan

So far, you should have identified your strategic position in the market, your vision, your mission, and the risks associated with your strategic plan. Now that this is completed, you are ready to develop a strategic plan for your small business. When developing your strategic plan, you must use your vision, mission, and values as a reference when choosing relevant strategies that will improve your strategic position.
Here are some questions to consider while developing your plan:

  • What strategies will be most impactful?

  • Which objectives are most urgent?

  • What resources are available, and how will they be allocated?

  • How will you measure the progress of your plan?

Step 7: Execute and Manage Your Strategic Plan

Now that you have developed your strategic plan, it’s time to implement it. Before executing your strategic plan, however, you must first communicate the plan to your team so everyone has a clear understanding of goals and expectations. It’s recommended you give your employees and colleagues a clear outline of the company’s vision, mission, values, goals, objectives, and strategies.
You can also continue communicating the plan’s details and any necessary adaptations with your team through meetings, email, conversations, or document sharing. Once everyone is on the same page, you can start executing your strategic plan. This can involve setting up teams, gathering and allocating resources, motivating employees, and recording your progress.

Step 8: Review Your Strategic Plan

The final step of the strategic planning process is ongoing and involves consistently reviewing the plan and making appropriate changes accordingly. Thoroughly reviewing the plan involves analyzing and measuring your business’s progress and your team’s performance. As you review your plan over the course of the year, you must remember to re-evaluate your priorities and any changes in the internal or external environment (as stated in Step 1). Revise any necessary aspects of your plan and implement those changes accordingly to ensure long-term success. 
The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women strives to help women thrive in their careers. We provide each of our members with the tools, resources, and support needed to succeed in professional lives. To become a valued member of our organization, you can contact us here

7 Networking Tips for Professional Growth

7 Networking Tips for Professional Growth

The key to long-term professional success is having a solid network. Making yourself known and respected in the local community will open up a variety of doors for your career. The simple fact is: the more people you know, the more collective experience and support you have. 

Connecting with industry leaders and peers can provide you with unique growth and learning opportunities. Whether you’re trying to climb the corporate ladder, looking for a new job, or determined to expand your skill set, here are 7 networking tips that will help you leverage your professional growth. 

Put Yourself Out There

Coronavirus may have changed the way many of us network and do business, but there are still numerous ways to safely connect with others. One of the ways you can still put yourself out there is by attending virtual workshops, events, and conferences. Virtual events give you the opportunity to build professional relationships and socialize with industry professionals without being face-to-face. 

Always Follow-Up

If you have a good conversation with a contact, don’t hesitate to reach out with a phone call, email them an interesting industry-specific article, or connect with them on social media. After your initial introduction, spend some time researching your contact on LinkedIn’s Advanced Search and send an invitation to connect. Make sure to customize your invitation to the individual, don’t use a script or one-size-fits-all template. These extra steps are a personal touch that show interest and initiative. 

Nurture Your Relationships

In a world of conference calls and Zoom meetings, it can be easy to put your professional relationships on the back-burner. Networking is an integral aspect of your career development, so set time aside to talk and collaborate with your peers on a regular basis. Make time to reach out to people and spark authentic conversations. Remember to always be respectful and assist others whenever possible, not just when it’s convenient. By staying in touch with others and making yourself available when they need you, it becomes easier to leverage your network when you new opportunities arise. 

Social Media Is King 

When it comes to networking, fostering online relationships through social media is as easy as it gets. Online communities are a great way to make a lot of connections, all at once. There are thousands of industry-specific communities on LinkedIn and Facebook you can join. These online groups have forums where you can ask questions, converse with other group members, or organize a meet-up. When you’re involved in these groups, craft thoughtful responses to posts, answer group polls, and attend events when you can. 

Webinars for the Win 

Tons of organizations have moved online to host meetups and networking events. So, why not join professional organizations and meetups in your field? You can volunteer, host, and co-host events or you can volunteer to speak and facilitate panel discussions or a masterclass. Doing so raises your visibility in your field and establishes you as a notable resource. 

Also, you can pick from the endless selection of free webinars, many of which allow you to see and chat with the other participants. When you’re a part of any webinar or online workshop, ask thought-provoking questions and comment on other peoples’ questions, if you feel so inclined. Be engaged, but also listen to your peers. And most importantly, always be respectful and appropriate with anything you say or write. You have to be prepared to show your best self, no matter what. Don’t do anything that could tarnish your reputation. 

Always Put Your Best Self Forward 

If you decide to hop on a phone call, you have less to worry about. However, if you opt for a Zoom call, make yourself and your background presentable and be fully present with the other person. Dress professionally and be camera-ready, and check your background, lighting, and sound beforehand. While you’re on the phone call or Zoom call, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by background noise, and agree on an end time in advance. Once you’re in the conversation, listen intently and be mindful how much you speak. Strive to add as much value to the other person as you’re hoping to receive. 

Join the LI Center Community 

The LI Center provides a unique networking opportunity for women entrepreneurs, businesswomen, and women leaders in their industries and professions. We believe networking is essential for professional success, and we value the relationships we build within our community. With a solid network, you will be encouraged and inspired to meet challenges and make the most of professional opportunities. You can learn more about becoming a LI Center member here.

5 Ways to Build a Thriving Team Culture

5 Ways to Build a Thriving Team Culture

One of the most powerful tools you have in growing your company is your people. Creating culture, like personal character, is an essential factor for businesses and brands today. To reach your goals externally, you have to build a strong foundation and thriving culture internally.  

Here are 5 simple and effective ways to build and sustain a thriving team culture. 

Co-create core values and goals with your team

One of the most important factors in bringing an organization together is co-creating core values with your team. Ask yourself and your team: What makes the company unique? What defines and inspires your team? When values are developed in a thoughtful and intentional way, employees concentrate on delivering better results. 

Make your values authentic, and once your values are in place, map those values and the company's goals into an actionable plan. With clear goals in mind, everyone can effectively work on accomplishing those goals and know how their work contributes to those goals.

Build a foundation of empowerment and accountability

Creating a culture of empowerment and accountability is critical. People will often just go through the motions when they don’t feel empowered or valued in their workplace. Treating one another with respect and setting clear expectations encourages employees to problem-solve, strategize, and collaborate without fear. In this way, the group becomes greater than the sum of its parts. Great teamwork is essential to any vibrant company culture. By creating a team that’s empowered to make their own decisions, your business will thrive. The reason a culture works is everyone understands that they have respect and autonomy to do their job. 

Embrace diverse perspectives

Creating a positive customer experience is the key to a successful business. Embracing diversity of thought, experiences, and points of view always brings you to an outcome that is richer and more authentic. Beyond using and consulting your data to understand your audience’s needs, it’s important to instill pride around reinventing and improving customer experience. For example, have a regular program to teach and encourage employees to appreciate the differences between the cultures and generations, and acknowledge diverse perspectives. Make sure everyone is included in team discussions and decisions, and ensure, and adapt your style as needed to accomplish your company’s goals. 

Take risks and use mistakes as an opportunity to grow

A culture that’s open to risk gives people an opportunity to learn and leads to innovation. Risk-taking should be rewarded as a part of what defines great work and the creative process. At its best, taking risks is about allowing your team to become more profitable and productive as they stretch in new areas. Reward behaviors that show a willingness to learn and grow. Provide employees with experiences that will challenge their thinking and their actions. Employees should be empowered to feel supported when mistakes are made and learn along the way. This flexibility demonstrates your trust in your team and in turn their trust in their leader. 

Connect with your team and celebrate your company culture

Employees need an environment where they can connect with each other on an ongoing basis. Occasional outings and holiday parties can come across as superficial and don’t often show a true commitment to culture. Engage your employees by finding ways to live and breathe your culture every day. For example, planning and attending company or team retreats, webinars, seminars, and conferences are also great ways to regularly celebrate and encourage culture. For example, the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women hosts professional meetings, events, and lectures throughout the year. This October, we will be hosting a Business Growth Masterclass with Scott Maskin of SUNation Solar called Taking it to the Next Level: How I grew my company from 0 to 170 employees. In this Masterclass, you will learn how to effectively and successfully grow your team, in both quality and quantity. 

What does all of this mean?

Thriving company cultures are born from positive attitudes, collaboration, communication, and new perspectives. By empowering employees to innovate and connect with each other and your customers in authentic ways, you can build a stronger foundation that solidifies your culture for the future. When employees thrive, a company thrives. From leaders to employees to the customer experience, your company culture and values will permeate and positively affect every aspect of your business. 

Selling in the Time of COVID-19: Pro Tips for Sales Success

Selling in the Time of COVID-19: Pro Tips for Sales Success

With COVID-19 affecting nearly every aspect of our professional and personal lives, businesses need to learn how to adapt to the new normal and rethink their content and communications. From travel restrictions and changes in market demand to temporary hiring freezes and remote teams, there have been a multitude of new challenges that have made it harder to sell. This is a new frontier for many of us, and the old rules no longer apply.

This period in sales history requires patience, keeping an optimistic perspective, and being adaptable. We may be forced to change how or when we sell and adjust our expectations. Times are certainly different than they were even a few months ago, but this isn’t the end, this is an opportunity to evolve, grow, and conquer. You just may have to adjust the way you are doing it, or who you are doing it for.

Here are some pro tips to help you adapt to your existing strategy to accommodate a global pandemic and struggling economy:

Update Your Value Proposition and Personas

The value you once provided may no longer be relevant, but don’t panic! This can be as simple as tweaking how you message your value and addressing how your value proposition and personas should be changed. Whatever your value is, reflect that value in your persona marketing. For example, countless restaurants have revised their message to highlight how they support delivery and takeout operations, which has been a game-changer for the food service industry. Whatever industry you’re in, you can adapt your message to match the needs of your audience and adjust your strategy to reflect the changes that COVID-19 has had on companies. Updating your key personas quickly while considering your customer’s current needs is imperative to remaining viable during this time.

Acknowledge and Empathize

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself how their priorities have changed in the last month, week, or day. Above all, empathy and transparency are more important than ever. Right now, keeping a meeting or jumping on a phone call may not be your client’s biggest priority, and that’s completely understandable. Remember that some industries, like hospitality, travel, and emergency medicine, or areas like NYC or Seattle, have been greatly affected by COVID-19.

There are a great many businesses developing content that openly acknowledges that life may have changed for their customers—which is not only important but also highly effective. To make meaningful connections, we have to acknowledge the setting that we’re all in—and that means talking about it and giving people space to regroup. Sometimes the best thing is not to contact someone immediately. Your customers are likely already feeling overwhelmed, so take this time to slow down and research your client base before you initiate conversations.

Revamp Your Content

You knew it was coming, and you can’t avoid it any longer—it’s time to revamp your content. Whatever your strategy may be, the most important thing is to discontinue using content that references irrelevant value. For example, consider expanding to other channels like LinkedIn or utilizing an integrated chat application to stay connected to your team. You may also modify your email content or call scripts to reflect the recent changes your business has made, like safety measures or new hours of operation. You can even create and share white papers, case studies, and surveys to keep your customers informed and up-to-date, or host webinars, lectures, conferences, talks, or workshops online. Keep in mind that your strategies will likely evolve over time, so researching different channels and testing them out is important. Think about the channel that works best for your situation and go for it!

Listen to Your Customers

Your customer’s attention is more divided than ever. According to market research TOPO surveyed 350+ sales professionals to understand the early impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on their pipeline and found nearly 50% of buyers aren’t willing to book a meeting right now. Needless to say, it’s not business as usual anymore, so ditch the boring sales pitch! One of the most important things you can do in business, especially when it comes to sales, is to listen. What do you customers need? What are their goals, and how can you help them achieve those goals? Your first interaction with a potential customer sets the tone for that customer’s entire experience with your business. Have a real conversation with them and remind them why they need you. Remain professional but be authentic and thankful. Sincerity and gratitude go a long way.

Seek New Learning Opportunities

We’re all going through this together, so why help each other along the way? There are so many resources right now that can help you successfully refocus your business. The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women is pulling for each of you, your families, and your businesses to remain healthy during these times and beyond. Be sure to register for our upcoming event Back to Business: Sales Strategies for the New Normal with Dale Carnegie Training where you’ll learn how to help you and your business adapt to this unique time in sales history. We will also share how to easily, and empathetically, update your business strategy for success in the midst of global and economic change. Remember, trust and the strongest relationships are often built in the most difficult times. We’re in this together!

Support These Local, Black Female-Owned Businesses

Support These Local, Black Female-Owned Businesses

While launching a business is a major win, in order to stay in business, entrepreneurs need our dollars and support. That’s why we’ve curated a list of 4 brilliant LI Center members who own or operate businesses on and around Long Island.

Michele Johnson

Independent Wine Guide, Traveling Vineyard

Traveling Vineyard was established in 2001 by Rick Libby. Inspired by the Pampered Chef party plan model used in direct selling, Traveling Vineyard brings the authentic winery experience into living rooms across the country with exclusive high-quality, globally sourced wines marketed by a network of passionate, energetic, independent wine consultants. Michele Johnson is one of these wine consultants who supports and spreads the love of wine with clients across Long Island. Michele’s wine tasting events are full of learning and laughter as she takes the mystery out of wine, one bottle at a time. Michele curates private and corporate wine tasting events, so whether you’d like to schedule a VIP event for your business or enjoy a wine tasting with friends in the comfort of your home, Michele is the wine expert you’ll want as your guide.

Marisol Joseph

Owner & Operator, Marisol’s Beauty Touch

Winner of the Best of Long Island 2020 (Waxing), Marisol’s Beauty Touch is a luxury beauty bar that offers a variety of spa and skincare services. Owner and operator Marisol Joseph is a licensed esthetician, beauty consultant, makeup artist, microblading specialist, and certified Berodin Wax trainer. Marisol’s Beauty Touch offers services such as face and body hair removal (laser and wax), airbrush makeup, organic spray tan, facials and body peels, lash and eyebrow services, and more. Marisol’s passion is to bring her clients’ inner beauty forward through her special touch.  

Sharon Devonish Leid

CEO, NetStrucPR

Founder, Ladies of 3rd Thursday

CEO of NetStruc PR, Sharon Devonish Leid is also a Celebrity Publicist, Public Speaker, TV Host, and Author. Sharon has over 20 years of experience in Public/Media Relations and she is an expert in Community Engagement, providing her clients with direct connect to their target audience. Sharon provides her clients with the highest level of customer satisfaction possible. Her mission is to ensure that each client gets featured in media outlets and is connected to the right contacts that will help them grow. Sharon has created strong relationships with many media outlets that gives her the opportunity to guarantee media coverage to her clients.

Sharon is the Founder of Ladies of 3rd Thursday, a monthly business networking group that is run with five other professional women. Ladies of 3rd Thursday helps entrepreneurs and businesses network, find resources to help build their business and help create business relationships. Ladies of 3rd Thursday hosts 2 signature events throughout the year, a Women Empowerment Awards Ceremony honoring 31 Business Women for Women's History Month in March and a holiday toy drive and network event in December where the toys are donated to local shelters or community based organizations that give toys to needy families with children.

On top of her PR work and Ladies of 3rd Thursday, Sharon also does speaking engagements on the Importance of PR brands and why community engagement is beneficial to a business. She also speaks to college students who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs.

Vera Moore

CEO & President, Vera Moore Cosmetics

Vera Moore became a household name when she became the first African American soap opera actress contracted to play Linda on NBC’s Another World. The soap opera star turned entrepreneur is now best known for creating Vera Moore Cosmetics. After realizing there was a limited selection of makeup for women of color, Moore launched her own makeup line in 1979, Vera Moore Cosmetics.

Today, Moore is president and CEO of one of the most progressive and prestigious cosmetics and skin care lines for the global and ethnic market. Not only did she break racial barriers in the television industry, but she has also achieved great strides in the beauty business. Her cosmetics line was one of the first of its kind to offer beauty products to a heavily underrepresented market. Furthermore, she broke another barrier when a Vera Moore Cosmetics boutique became the first African American-owned store in Kings Plaza mall in Brooklyn, New York. She helped pave the way for other African American cosmetics lines to launch, such as IMAN Cosmetics, Black Opal, and COVERGIRL Queen Collection.

Vera Moore Cosmetics can be found in a high-end environment called LOOK Boutiques in Duane Reade stores across New York City. Moore continues to reach for more as she goes national with her brand in Walgreens. The release of her products in a drugstore marks her vision to make beauty products widely accessible to the general public.

How to Create a Growth Mindset and Stay Inspired

How to Create a Growth Mindset and Stay Inspired

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit’’ 

— Aristotle

To be successful in any area of your life, especially business, you have to develop a certain mindset--a growth mindset. In short, a person who has a growth mindset is able to learn from their mistakes and use them to improve their life and business. People with a fixed mindset might dwell on failures and see setbacks as a reason to give up; they know what they want, they’re constantly trying to pursue that goal, but they never really get anywhere.

With the growth mindset, we can acknowledge our failures and find inspiration to keep improving; we can learn what it takes to create our own successes in our career and personal life. When we have a growth mindset, we believe that our intelligence, creative abilities, and character can be improved in meaningful ways. Having a growth mindset means we can always learn, get better at what we do, and stay inspired along the way. 

Here is an 11-step guide on how to create a growth mindset and stay inspired in business and in life.

  1. Seek out new challenges. Challenging yourself in business can have a profound influence on your professional and personal life. When you seek out new challenges, you’re training yourself to think out-of-the-box and approach these challenges differently. Not only will you gain experience, but you’ll also cultivate the necessary self-confidence and determination to develop new and exciting solutions to any obstacle that stands in your way.

  2. Be persistent. When faced with obstacles, power through them. Seek support and take time to reflect on where you are and where you want to be. Don’t give up. Keep moving.

  3. When you receive criticism, don’t just ignore it. Not all criticisms may be constructive, but you can still learn something from them. Practice different ways of thinking and behaving; look at the situation from all different angles. Experiment and try new things with purpose and knowledge. Don’t go into anything blindly but keep your mind open. You never know what can help you achieve your goals in the future.

  4. Draw inspiration from other people’s success. When your friends succeed, offer sincere congratulations. Be motivated by their success but avoid comparing the success of others with your own path. No two paths of success look the same. Everyone has their own definitions of success, and there’s no benefit in comparing yourself to others. As you draw inspiration from others, remember others are likely to learn and draw inspiration from you, too.

  5. Define your success. If you don’t define what success looks like to you, you won’t know what you’re striving for or how to achieve your goals. Find out what’s important for you in your personal life and your career.

  6. Set goals based on your definition. Based on your definition of success, set actionable goals to achieve that success. Setting goals will help you map out a clear vision for yourself and will help you understand how to achieve what you’re setting out to accomplish. To start, it may be helpful to set goals in the three basic areas of life: career, relationships, and health.

  7. Find inspiration and motivation. Setting goals isn’t enough to achieve success. The next step helps you to find a way to convince yourself to stick to that goal and get inspired about how to move ahead. One of the best ways to find motivation is through books. Choose 2-3 books that can keep you inspired and stay persistent; read them again and again. Write your favorite, most inspiring quotes on a vision board, or write them on post-its and stick them around your house or office. Face your inspiration every day.

  8. Create habits surrounding your goals. Goal-setting works best when you have habits surrounding your goal. Your habits are directly related to your motivation so build habits that support your visions and goals. When building habits, you should always have the big picture, your vision in mind, and work on small implementations into your everyday life.  

  9. Create a routine around your habits. Successful people live their success, whether anyone notices them or not. Learn to live your success and throw yourself at the toughest tasks. Make it a routine to commit yourself to that habitual activity and demand exceptional performance from yourself.

  10. Stop procrastinating. There are times when inspiration stops flowing and life seems dull and pointless. When you’re procrastinating, take a step back and understand why you’re feeling unmotivated. Make the necessary changes and get back on the ball. This is when motivation and inspiration count the most.

  11. Stop looking at success like a distant achievement. Stop considering success as something you hope to attain one day. Instead of searching for some distant success, search for success in your day-to-day life—find success with the smallest bits of work that help you reach your goal. Then stay committed to those habits and strive to live them daily.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to determine what you're capable of. The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women inspires, motivates, and supports women every day to create and maintain a growth mindset. It’s our goal to inspire and motivate women across Long Island to be the best women they can be in business and beyond. To learn more about what our organization, follow us on social media or contact us here.

20 Reasons Why You Should Join the LI Center

20 Reasons Why You Should Join the LI Center

As business leaders and entrepreneurs, we know how important it is to have a supportive community on your side. Connecting with other like-minded entrepreneurs through professional organizations for women can provide you with a dose of inspiration and motivation—not to mention resources you might not have discovered otherwise. 

The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women is Long Island’s largest not-for-profit networking organization comprised of entrepreneurial, corporate, business, and professional women who have assumed a prominent role in expediting women in business and the professions.

If you’re unsure about joining this kind of organization, here are 20 reasons why you should become a member of the LI Center.

With the LI Center membership, you can:

1. Network. As a networking organization, we will help you develop and improve your skill set, stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster your career development.

2. Connect. Finding people with the same interests isn’t always that easy. We give our members the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals. You may even discover a new mentor, partner, or employee in-the-making.

3. Learn. Our fast-paced world is always changing, regardless of what industry you’re in. Stay ahead of the curve with regular updates on what’s happening inyour industry, with your audience, or in your region.

4. Improve. Develop new skills, like leadership and public speaking, based on your personal or professional goals. We believe that life is full of valuable learning experiences, and that there’s always room for improvement!
5. Give back. Getting involved in your community won’t just help your business, it’ll make you feel good, too. We provide a number of community involvement opportunities, so our members can connect with their community and give back.

6. Grow. We can help you become more successful and reach all of your professional goals by expanding your client base through referrals.

7. Receive Discounted Rates. Gain access to exclusive deals and services. You also will receive discounted or free event rates. We also offer Member-to-Member discounts and a reduced cost for monthly dinner meetings with presentations by top speakers and industry experts.

8. Attend/Host Events. Our events are designed for our members to connect with fellow professional women, advance their careers, and work towards the cause of equity in the workplace for women.

9. Attend/Host Lectures and Talks. We regularly host lectures by women, for women. Our February event is called “When to Walk Away: A guide to overcoming toxic relationships and reclaiming your life” by crisis intervention specialist, trainer, and educator Stephanie McPhail. Learn more about this talk here.

10. Attend/Host Workshops and Seminars. Workshops and seminars are indispensable tools for any business owner. We offer a multitude of workshops and seminars to support you in every stage of your business.

11. Work with Our Dedicated Board of Members. Our Board is comprised of successful business women and entrepreneurs who are here to help the LI Center be as effective and supportive as possible.

12. Join A Committee. We have 5 committees you can join:

· The Membership Committee is responsible for supporting the vision of the LI Center while providing insights and strategies on membership recruitment, engagement and retention.

· The Program Committee focuses on providing a variety of program opportunities meeting the needs of our diversified membership, prospective members, and invited guests.

· The Marketing and Public Relations Committee focuses on increasing awareness of the Long Island Center, our members and the broader community of the Center.

· The Special Events Committee focuses on fundraising and networking events that support today’s business and professional women and use these functions as business tools. The LI Center special events include a fashion show and winery tour. These functions also provide a venue for vendors to display and sell their products.

· The Achievers' Gala Dinner Committee is the major fundraising and marketing event of the year that promotes the achievement of women in various professions and categories.

13.  Receive Scholarships and Awards. Thanks to our generous sponsors, the Center provides scholarships and awards, meeting opportunities, and informational dissemination to help women on their own paths to achievement.

14.  Join the Member-Only Directory. Whether it’s a longstanding business or a new one, our Member-only Directory showcases our members and their businesses. Our directory is a communication hub for members, so they can connect at anytime, anywhere.

15.  Join Our Programs. We offer unique leadership opportunities for our programs throughout the year for our members, including at our Annual Awards Gala. 

16. Get Special Advertising. Your business and professional achievements get highlighted on our website and in our email newsletter. Our members also have the opportunity to guest blog on our website. We also offer advertising and showcasing opportunities for your business during monthly dinner meetings, and we share your business events with our community of members.

17.  Get More Exposure. We help our members gain positive and effective exposure in a number of ways. One of the many ways our members can promote their business is by hosting a Facebook live session on our Long Island Center business page.

18.  Become A Mentor. A mentorship can be an amazing and productive way to improve yourself and your business. As a mentor, you can pass on your knowledge to your mentee, and you can learn from and be inspired by your mentee as well.

19. Connect with Our Sponsors/Become A Sponsor. We sincerely thank our meeting sponsors for their generous support. Through their contributions, we are able to continue offering programs dedicated to the advancement of women. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us today. 

20. Become a Valued Member. The Center is dedicated to advancing women’s equal participation, leadership and employment in business, industry and the professions through networking opportunities, member education, community involvement, and personal and professional development.

Our mission at the Center is to promote, develop, and support the rapid growth and successes of women business owners and professionals through increased representation, mentorship, and networking opportunities. For more information about how to become a member of  the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women, contact us today.

8 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Businesses in 2020

8 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Businesses in 2020

The New Year is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the year ahead. You may have plans to improve your health or finally take that trip you’ve always been dreaming about. For business owners, making New Year’s resolutions can help focus their efforts and energy on the goals for the coming year. Here are a few of our favorite New Year’s resolutions for business owners in 2020.

Review and update your business plan

Crafting a business plan is essential for every small business. The beginning of the New Year is the best time to reevaluate your business’s needs and goals by implementing them into a new plan for the coming year. Chances are, you’ll want to make changes based on your analysis of results from the previous year and make sure your goals have actionable, concrete steps that can be accomplished. But keep in mind your plan is bound to change because change and adaptation are a part of owning a successful small business. However, it’s still very important to review and update your business plan as needed so you can go into the New Year with more clear and defined ideas on how to achieve your goals.  

Consider your staffing needs

Your employees are very important when it comes to your small business’s success. However, if any of your current staff are overwhelmed with work, it may be time to hire more employees to help keep everything running smoothly. Hiring new employees may seem expensive, but they can help your business run more efficiently and, in turn, achieve more success. Take time to talk to your current employees and understand where your needs really lie, even if that includes delegating more. When it comes to delegation, shifting work to someone else can be difficult, especially for those who are accustomed to wearing every hat needed to run a business. But, delegation can open you up to focusing on what you love and what you do best.

Communicate better

Turn your focus to quality over quantity. Instead of blasting 10 Facebook posts a day and creating meaningless content as placeholders, focus on posting interesting, timely information that encourages your audience to interact with you or share your content. For example, respond to comments on your posts; leave comments and like content on other pages; and include personal notes on pictures or posts that you share. Take the time to make a few real connections every day, and you’ll see your relationships blossom and flourish.

Check in with your customers

To better understand your customers’ needs, you have to listen to them and engage in meaningful conversations with them. For example, you may consider sending out customer surveys to get their input. Encourage feedback on every purchase and customer service interaction, and make sure you follow through on reviewing it and applying those results to your business strategy. Your business will only get stronger and more successful for putting customer experience first.

Improve your marketing plan

Every year brings new marketing trends and channels for businesses to consider. Review your marketing analytics to determine which strategies are providing the best results. For example, if you’re lagging in your SEO results, you can start a content marketing campaign for your website. If you want a wider audience to view your social media content, consider guest posting or lead generation ads. The New Year is the perfect time to think about trying something new, so really go for it! 

Update your website

Whether you run an e-commerce business or operate out of a storefront, your website is the main way people will interact with your business online. If you haven’t had a website redesign lately, take some time now to do a thorough review of your current website and give it a makeover. For example, test out how it works both on desktop and on mobile. Do user testing to make sure it’s intuitive for your customers and look for issues like broken links or images that no longer show up. Making these small changes will save you a lot of hassle later, and it will show your customers how engaged you are online.

Increase your security

Every year, businesses, big and small, fall victim to security breaches that put consumers at risk and damage reputations. Your customers trust you with their personal financial information, and they believe that you will make sure you do everything in your power to keep that information safe. Take basic precautions to keep your networks and secure information safe so your customers will know they are safe and valued.

Get more involved in your local community

Get out there and make connections with other businesses in your community. Small businesses have a lot to give to their local communities, and those communities have a lot to give back. Here are some things you can do to be more involved: 

  • Join a professional organization

  • Attend networking get-togethers

  • Speak at local events

  • Seek out mutually beneficial partnerships

  • Consider local causes you can donate or otherwise contribute to 

Simply showing up to community events will make a huge difference. Community events are where you meet your customers and collaborators. Small businesses have a lot to give to their local communities, and those communities have a lot to give back. Becoming part of the community will only make your business stronger. 

Even if last year was a great year for your small business, it’s worth trying to make this one much better and more profitable. Commit to these small business New Year’s resolutions and make 2020 your best year yet. Cheers to a successful new year!

At the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women, we’re here to help you be more successful every day, not just in the New Year. We host networking events and help small business owners and entrepreneurs make a positive impact on their communities. Contact us today for more information on how you can get involved.

6 Social Media and Customer Service Tips for the Holidays

6 Social Media and Customer Service Tips for the Holidays

The holidays are nearly here, and it may come as no surprise that this time of year is the most competitive for a lot of businesses. Whether you’re a store retailer, in e-commerce, or a part of the service industry, it’s a must to get your brand out there during the holiday season. But, how do you make a lasting impact during the holidays? Here’s a list of holiday social media and customer service tips that will help you cut through the noise and get your name out there. 

Pay attention to what your customer base wants this yeaR

If you want your business to be part of your customers’ holiday plans, it’s time to deliver content they actually care about. Yes, this is important all year, but it’s especially important during the holidays when your customers are busy and bombarded with content from other businesses fighting for their attention. Consider using a survey to collect customer feedback to better gauge what your customers are interested in receiving from your business this holiday season. You can send your survey to all of your email subscribers or post it on your Facebook Page. Your customers want to know that they’re important, so engage with them and really listen to what they have to say.

Develop a schedule to help build holiday momentum 

Momentum is crucial in determining whether or not this year’s holiday season will be one worth celebrating for your business. One way to start is by creating a schedule. For example, retailers can leverage traffic insights throughout the holiday season. Focusing on the top busiest shopping days can help inform scheduling decisions, merchandise floor sets, inventory fulfillment, and even loss presentation awareness. If you’re in the service industry or work in e-commerce, you can promote digital ads and campaigns all the way through the end of the year. The specific holidays you plan to target may vary based on your business and your customer base, but all businesses should be aware of the biggest shopping and giving days of the holiday season:

  • 11/29/2019 – Black Friday

  • 11/30/2019 – Small Business Saturday

  • 12/02/2019 – Cyber Monday

  • 12/03/2019 – Giving Tuesday

  • 12/07/2019 – First Saturday in December

  • 12/14/2019 – Two Saturdays before Christmas

  • 12/21/2019 – Super Saturday (Saturday before Christmas)

  • 12/22/2019 – Sunday before Christmas

  • 12/23/2019 – Monday before Christmas

  • 12/26/2019 – Day after Christmas, aka “Boxing Day,” in some global regions

  • 12/27/2019 – Friday after Christmas

  • 12/28/2019 – Saturday after Christmas

There’s ample opportunity to appeal to your customer base during the latter part of the year. You can use this holiday season and the coming New Year as a springboard for your business’s sales and success that will carry over into 2020. 

Engage with your followers online by using video

Make no mistake, people are on social media during the holidays. Everyone’s posting videos of holiday activities and sharing their favorite moments with their friends and followers. Yes, don’t forget that your target audience also has an audience of their own! If your customers see your content and comment or share it, all of their followers will see it to. The bottom line is to engage with people online and in the real world. According to HubSpot, 50% of people search for a video of a product before they visit an online store; and 92 % of mobile video viewers share videos with others. Based on the stats, we’d say that using video ads during the holidays is a must.

Focus on creating and providing helpful content

The holidays come with their own set of challenges and seemingly never-ending to-do lists like cooking, traveling, staying with relatives, decorating, and choosing gifts. The holidays can be overwhelming, and people need help. To capitalize on this, avoid the hard sell and instead focus on producing and sharing social media content that helps make the holidays easier. For example, share holiday culinary tips, ideas on gift-giving, and holiday fashion do’s and don’ts. Your customer base will appreciate your help, and they most likely will share your tips with their own social circle.

Utilize user-generated content

The holidays are a perfect time for user-generated content because people are doing special things that they want to share. It gives people a fun way to have a conversation with your business and contribute their own thoughts and ideas. User-generated content can drive engagement with your brand better than most other content. 

Offering a platform where people can share their holiday experiences will always be a big hit. For example, a few years ago, Starbucks gave consumers a chance to design a Starbucks holiday cup in their #redcupcontest campaign. A #redcupcontest photo was shared every 14 seconds, and the contest received over 40,000 entries. How incredible is that! Moral of the story: people love to get involved and interact with a brand that puts the opportunity out there. 

Create a New Year’s social media campaign

Events like Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas often take the spotlight during the holiday season. Unfortunately, people sometimes forget about New Year’s, which gives businesses great opportunities for attracting more business. Because New Years is more universally celebrated than Thanksgiving and Christmas, you can appeal to a wider audience with your New Year’s campaigns. Not to mention, New Year’s deals are a smart way to sell any old stock to make room for new products and services to be introduced in the new year. 

Once you’re all set and reaching out to your holiday audience, tag us on social media and let us know how your ads are working for you!