Our Sponsors.
The Long Island Center is supported by a group of prestigious corporate sponsors who are committed to our cause.
The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women is Long Island’s largest not-for-profit networking organization comprised of entrepreneurial, corporate, business, and professional women who have assumed a prominent role in expediting women in business and the professions.
The Center provides awards, meeting opportunities, and informational dissemination to help women on their own paths to achievement. The Center’s monthly dinner-program meeting is a recognized avenue for active networking, showcasing of member businesses as well as the presentation of expert and timely programs. Attendance consists of people who are active in the business community and are serious about business and personal development.
Your contributions further support our activities and services here at the LI Center. There are many different opportunities to become a part of our community. If you would like to become a sponsor for the LI Center please refer to the contact information below.
We sincerely thank our meeting sponsors for their generous support. Through their contributions, we are able to continue offering programs dedicated to the advancement of women. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us today. The meeting sponsorship fee is only $500.00.
As a program sponsor your benefits are:
Your logo will be part of any promotional media campaign, press releases, advertisements in local papers.
Showcase during the cocktail networking hour.
Two dinner tickets for your sponsored meeting where you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and your business to the audience during the dinner program.
Your name will be included as a Program Meeting Sponsor, in the Achievers’ Awards Journal, which is used as a promotional tool throughout the year
You will share in the Center’s presence on Long Island and show your valued support to a very important resource – women in business and the professions.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Logo on website, recognition as a sponsor at all meetings and events.
Opportunity to host a Monthly Meeting, logo included in all email blasts, guest blog opportunities, plus all perks of lower sponsorship levels.
Showcase opportunity at one meeting, your company information in all marketing materials and email blasts, plus all perks of lower sponsorship levels.
Showcase opportunity at all meetings, opportunity to introduce speakers / emcee our events, 5 minute presentation at five meetings, VIP Seating at all events, company information included in all newsletters, plus all perks of lower sponsorship levels.
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, email us at info@licenter.org or call 631-673-0209
We provide unparalleled, personalized client service.