Tips to Balance Running a Business and Family Life

Tips to Balance Running a Business and Family Life

As an entrepreneur, it’s tempting to let your business take over your life. But you also want to take time for yourself and your family. How can you achieve that balance without letting one priority or the other slip to the wayside? If you’re finding yourself torn between the two, don’t be discouraged. We’ve got a few simple tips that can help you begin to find the right balance for your life.

Create a Routine

Many of us have a routine of some type or another, but we also often don’t realize how important these routines are. Both in your business and in your family life, circumstances and responsibilities can change from day to day. So, it’s important to have at least one or two periods a day when you know exactly how things are going to play out. And, what’s more, you have the power to control these times.

Your routines don’t have to be anything intense or lengthy. Even a simple 15-minute morning routine of drinking your coffee and reading a few pages of a light book can be a great way to start your day. You might also set a routine of taking a quick walk after lunch or settling down with the same skincare and relaxation routine at night. Having some sense of normalcy each day will keep you grounded when other areas of your life go haywire.

Set Weekly Goals

Some people like to set daily goals, which can be incredibly encouraging. Many people, though, find daily goals or “to do” lists to either be overwhelming or restrictive, which can make you less productive overall. Instead, consider setting weekly goals that you can accomplish whenever you have some extra time throughout the week.

These weekly goals can apply both to work and to family life. Maybe you need to schedule some interviews for a new employee, start planning for an upcoming conference, and call to set up your kids’ next doctor’s appointments. These things can be done at any time over the week, so you won’t be discouraged if you don’t get them done on a certain day. But you can still rest assured knowing that these tasks are front-of-mind and aren’t falling to the wayside.

Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate

As women, we’re often hardwired to believe we have to do it all. Not only have we traditionally been told that we’re the ones who need to take care of the household, but as entrepreneurs, there’s an added pressure to have a hand in every aspect of our businesses. The truth is, though, that we’re only human. There’s only so much we can get done in a day, and we can’t do it alone.

Work to delegate tasks as often as you can. It can be hard to relinquish this control at first, but you’ll feel better with less on your plate, and your coworkers or family will feel proud that you can trust them. Delegating even seemingly small tasks like sending out the company newsletter or emptying the dishwasher each day can help you make sure everything is getting done in a timely manner, even without your direct supervision.

Be Flexible

There’s just no way around it: in business and at home, things just don’t always go as planned. It can be tough to readjust when things go off the rails, but being flexible is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success. You’ll find that the world will continue turning even if you have to cancel a meeting or reschedule an appointment.

When unexpected circumstances come up, resist the urge to respond immediately. It’s easy to get frustrated and flustered. Instead, take a step back and let yourself calm down for a moment. You can work with your team or family to rearrange your schedule and handle all the responsibilities that you might be missing out on. Above all, remember that tomorrow is a new day, and everything will get back on track.

Prioritize Family Time

When you’re an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to spend every waking hour working. After all, you’ve created this company, so you may feel like you have to dedicate all of your time to making it succeed. However, taking specific times away from work and spending these periods with your family, undistracted, will hugely benefit everyone involved.

In the past, most families finished their busy days gathered around the dinner table together. But today, as we work longer hours and kids are involved in extracurriculars, it’s often not feasible to have family dinners every night. If it works better for your family to enjoy breakfast together each day or set aside a night to watch a movie together each week, then that’s wonderful. Figure out what works for your family, and ensure everyone is dedicated to keeping these times sacred.

Make Time for Yourself

Whether it’s at work or at home, we often get so involved in other tasks that we forget to care for ourselves. But you simply can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re overworking yourself, you’ll be quick to experience burnout, and those around you can tell the difference. To make sure you’re giving the best of yourself to your family and your team, it’s vital to dedicate some time to yourself.

Your self-care can look however you want it to. Maybe, for you, self-care means taking a hot bath at the end of the week. It could mean attending a workout class, enjoying some ice cream, or setting a coffee date with a friend. Whatever the case may be, look for activities that will let you relax, focus on yourself, and truly rest and recharge. You’ll thank yourself for it.

When it comes to balancing family life and work-life, there’s no one more equipped to give advice than your fellow female entrepreneurs. That’s why the Long Island Center is here! We’re proud to offer a positive space for women to support women, both in their businesses and in their family lives. Plus, we’re all here to cheer you on with every success!