10 Tips to Grow your Email List

10 Tips to Grow your Email List

Social media marketing has become a big focus of the digital space, but small business owners would be doing themselves a disservice if they underestimated the power that email marketing still has. In fact, the majority of marketers say they’d rather give up social media than email! If you’re looking to grow your email list, you may not know where to start. How can you turn the more passive attention of web users or social media followers into the engaged notice of email subscribers? We’ve got 10 quick tips to get you started.

Create Special Bonus Content

Gated content (content that requires an email address or other contact information to access) isn’t a surefire way to gain subscribers. Sometimes, users may find that gated content just isn’t worth it. But if you can supplement your content with extras available only by email, then you may capture the attention of your users. For instance, let’s say you have a blog post about how to meal plan for the week. Perhaps you create a meal planning template to go along with this post. Then, at the end of the blog, include a link where users can enter their email address to receive your template for free. It doesn’t have to be huge, but any exclusive content can feel particularly special to new email subscribers.

Encourage Sharing

Word of mouth is a great way to gain extra traffic, and you can incorporate this method into growing your email list as well. Simply adding your social media links to the end of an email newsletter or including a “Share with a Friend” button can work wonders. Then, if a user gains valuable insights from your emails, they’ll be much more likely to share with others who could also benefit. Just be sure that, if you do include a CTA to share your emails, you also include a “Subscribe” button at the bottom. That way, those friends who receive your emails from another user only have to click one button to be added to your list.

Add an Opt-In to Your Signature

Sometimes, growing your email list doesn’t have to involve a ton of effort. It can be as easy as including a link to sign up for your emails within your own email signature (as well as the signatures of your employees). If you’re already communicating with someone via email, it seems like a natural next step for them to subscribe to your list, but adding a link in your signature takes the pressure off.

Promote in Your Video Descriptions

Do you create videos for your business on YouTube? You’ve got a prime opportunity to promote your email list. Whether or not you discuss your email list within the videos themselves is up to you, but at least take the time to include a link in your video descriptions. When users head to the description for more information, they’ll find it easy to subscribe to your emails from there as well.

Create Short Lead-Capturing Forms

You may already have some lead capturing forms to collect email addresses from your web visitors. But if your forms are too long, users may be put off. By shortening your lead capture forms to just two or three pieces of information (like a first name and an email address), you’ll draw in those semi-interested users who don’t have a ton of time to spend right now. Plus, you can always get more information from them in the future.

Share Snippets on Social Media

Consider creating some social media posts to promote your email newsletter each time it comes out. By sharing a little bit of your newsletter on Facebook or Twitter, you can capture the attention of those users and encourage them to learn more. Just be sure to include a link within your social media post where users can go to sign up for your newsletter!

Use A/B Testing

If you find that your email subscriber list isn’t growing as you’d like, take a look at your content. It could be that your emails aren’t relevant or informative to your users, or perhaps the tone of your copy isn’t connecting with them. Consider testing different aspects of your emails with an A/B test strategy. You can easily see what audiences are drawn to and what they click away from, allowing you to enhance your emails accordingly.

Start or Improve Your Blog

Chances are that users on your email list will be looking for additional content from you, which is why a blog on your website can be a huge asset. If you haven’t already started a blog, consider doing so! You can enhance your content marketing strategy and increase brand awareness at the same time. If you do already have a blog, add a CTA to subscribe to your email list at the end of your posts. That way, you can capture blog readers and turn them into email subscribers with just a click.

Host a Giveaway

Take to social media to grow your email list by hosting a giveaway! Hold a giveaway that is only available to those subscribed to your email list, then promote the event on social media. The value of the new subscribers you get will surpass the value of holding a small giveaway. You don’t have to offer up something huge for this step to make a significant difference in your subscriber count.

Spread the Word In Person

Finally, if you have a brick-and-mortar location or are going to be attending or holding events in the near future, spread the word about your email list that way! You can collect email addresses at your register in your store, perhaps enticing customers with exclusive discounts and benefits. Or, if you’ll be at an event, make business cards with your website and email newsletter included. Simply getting in touch with your customers in person can be a great way to keep them updated on your digital presence as well.

Businesses big and small can benefit from growing their email lists, reaching new audiences, and keeping all customers informed of their current offerings and specials. For more tips on growing your email list and bringing your business to the next level, consider becoming a member of the Long Island Center! The LI Center is an incredible resource for businesswomen throughout the Long Island area to network, gain valuable feedback from other business owners, and spread the word about their companies. Get in touch today to learn more!