Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

5 Ways to Increase Your Company’s Visibility

It’s the goal of any business to gain new customers and turn a profit. But, if no one knows your business exists, how can you truly be successful? The good news is you don’t need to spend a lot of money or time to increase the visibility of your business…

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

4 Ways to Stay Motivated When Growing Your Business

When it comes to growing your business, fewer things are as stressful. It can be hard to find it in yourself to stay motivated when everything seems to be so tough. Here are some tips that can help you get on track and accomplish your goals.

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

4 Reasons Why Gratitude Makes More Effective Leaders

Gratitude is an often-overlooked aspect of leadership, but it is so important for cultivating the proper spirit and mental attitude to lead. Gratitude is more powerful than most people realize. When a leader exercises true appreciation, they become more successful in business and in their professional relationships.

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Rachael Doukas Rachael Doukas

6 Ways to Use Your Commute Time Effectively

Commuting can be used as an opportunity to set your day’s goals, network and socialize, or simply refocus as you prepare for the week ahead. Whether you’re carpooling, catching the bus or train, or hailing a cab, these productive hacks are sure to inspire the boss babe in all of us.

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

5 Ways to Turn Your Summer Side Hustle into a Small Business

If you have been running a successful summer side hustle for a few years now, you might want to consider turning it into a full-time gig. But, what does it take to turn a side hustle into a thriving small business? It’s not as intensive as many entrepreneurs may think if you follow certain steps.

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

5 Ways Blogging Can Benefit Your Small Business in 2019

According to a recent inbound marketing report, nearly 80% of companies that use blogging as a part of their marketing strategy reported acquiring customers through their blogging efforts. Additionally, 82% of businesses admit that blogging is critical to their business.

Here are five benefits of blogging for your small business:

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

5 Tips on How To Spot An Intrapreneur 

 At every company—whether it’s a local business or a multi-million dollar corporation—there are intrapreneurs buzzing around, perhaps even going unnoticed by their employers. 

It’s vitally important to spot these intrapreneurs and empower them so you can keep them on your team. Retaining and empowering intrapreneurs will allow you to dramatically boost the innovation occurring within your organization. 

But first, what exactly is an intrapreneur?

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

National Women's History Month 2019

Whether there are piles of snow still scattered on the ground or you’re soaking up the sun on the beach, Spring is right around the corner. Along with (hopefully) warmer weather, March is also National Women’s History Month.

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

5 Reasons Why Being Organized Is Important for Business Owners

Organizing your business's work space may not be high on the priority list, but it should be. Getting organized can increase your productivity, ramp up your revenue, and cut down on your risks.

Here are 5 tips on how being organized can save you money, time, and energy.  

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

6 Ways to Accomplish Your Business Goals in 2019

Whether your business plans include a complete overhaul of strategies and approaches, or whether it’s improving initiatives from previous years, these tips will help you remain focused and energized about your 2019 business goals

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

7 New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

The end of the year is a time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished and how your business has progressed over the last year. It’s also an excellent time to plan for the year ahead. In order to truly grow from your previous year, it’s crucial to reflect, re-evaluate your goals and objectives, and meditate on what actionable steps you must take to be more successful in the coming year at home and at work. If you want to strike a better work-life balance and increase your business success in the new year, these tips may help you. 

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

6 Marketing Tips to Grow your Small Business

Your business’ marketing strategy can include branding, services, prices, promotions, products, blogs, advertising, research, and social media. Most importantly, marketing is an opportunity for your business to communicate potential and current customers, ultimately expanding your audience.

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Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women

The Gift of Crisis

A life crisis can be a divorce, death of a loved one, a medical diagnosis, addiction, disease, abuse, betrayal, financial crisis, and so much more. Crises can cause total emotional and psychological upheaval, loss of control, and feelings of powerlessness and isolation.

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